David Parrish

Position Title
Professional Researcher

  • Air Quality Research Center

David Parrish is Professional Researcher at UC Davis and is Person of Interest with the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the Chemical Sciences Division of the Earth System Research Laboratory of NOAA in Boulder Colorado.  He also works as a consultant in atmospheric chemistry through David.D.Parrish, LLC. He began working part-time with NOAA in 1978, and he moved there full-time in 1987.  He was Program Leader of the Tropospheric Chemistry Group from 2009-2014 and fully retired in 2018.  Over the years he coordinated seven of NOAA’s surface and aircraft based field studies.  In 2014 he was elected as a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).  Before embarking on research full-time, David taught Chemistry at the University of Illinois at Chicago (1973-1975) and at Metropolitan State College in Denver beginning in 1975 where he served as department Chair from 1986-1987.  He received his BS in Chemistry from Colorado College, his PhD in Physical Chemistry from UC Berkeley, and was a postdoc at Harvard in Physical Chemistry.  
