Image: rapid flow creek over rocks and through forested area.

About Us

Our Purpose

The AQRC provides support for teams of collaborative researchers to conduct scientific, engineering, health, social and economic research that educates and informs planning and regulations for air quality and climate change. The AQRC educates and informs through conferences, outreach, scholarly publications, and training grants.

Our History

The Air Quality Research Center was established in the summer of 2005, although our faculty, staff and student affiliates had been working together for many years prior.

Our Mission

The AQRC mission is to facilitate research on the scientific, engineering, health, social and economic aspects of gaseous and particulate atmospheric pollutants. Air pollution research and education at UC Davis focus on urban and regional smog, indoor air quality, global climate change, health and environmental effects, and intermedia transfers. Investigations span both gaseous and particulate forms of air pollution, and employ theoretical, numerical, experimental, and policy approaches. Many departments, laboratories, faculty, staff, and students are employed solving these air pollution problems in the service of industry, state and federal governments, and non-profit organizations.

Our Vision

The AQRC vision for the future is to continue to inform policy to facilitate cost-effective improvements to air quality on a local, regional, state, national and global scale.

