Krystyna Trzepla

Position Title
IMPROVE/CSN Analytical Laboratories Manager


I manage a laboratory operations group that performs sample handling and analysis of aerosol samples for the Interagency Monitoring for PROtected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) and Chemical Speciation Network (CSN) programs.  We are responsible for deployment of filters, collection of samples, and analysis of samples collected at approximately 160 sites (IMPROVE) and 130 sites (CSN).  In our laboratories, we perform gravimetric analysis, light absorption analysis, OC/EC analysis and X-Ray Fluorescence analysis, processing over 40,000 samples per year.


Developing improved certified reference materials for calibration and quality control of XRF analyzers used for elemental composition determination of airborne particulate matter (PM) samples.

Improving analytical protocols for quality assurance to better identify and reduce errors in sample handling and laboratory analyses.


Yatkin S., Belis C.A., Gerboles M., Calzolai G., Lucarelli F., Cavalli F., Trzepla K. (2016). An interlaboratory comparison study on the measurement of elements in PM10Atmospheric Environment, Volume 125, Part A, January 2016, Pages 61-68

Yatkin S., Amin H., Trzepla K., Dillner A. (2016) Preparation of lead (Pb) X-ray fluorescence reference materials for the EPA Pb monitoring program and the IMPROVE network using an aerosol deposition method. Aerosol Science and Technology, 50:4, 309-320, DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2016.1150956

White W., Trzepla K., Hyslop N., Schichtel B. (2016). A critical review of filter transmittance measurements for aerosol light absorption, and de novo calibration for a decade of monitoring on PTFE membranes, Aerosol Science and Technology, 50:9, 984-1002, DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2016.1211615   

White, W.H., Hyslop, N.P., Trzepla, K., Yatkin, S., Rarig Jr., R.S., Gill, T.E., Jin, L. (2015). Regional transport of a chemically distinctive dust: Gypsum from White Sands, New Mexico (USA). Aeolian Research 16, 1-10.

Hyslop, N. P., Trzepla, K., and White, W. H., (2015). Assessing the Suitability of Historical PM 2.5 Element Measurements for Trend Analysis. Environmental Science & Technology 49, 9247-9255. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est5b01572.

Hyslop, N.P., Trzepla, K., Wallis, C.D., Matzoll, A.M., White, W.H., (2013). Technical Note: A 23-Year Record of Twice-Weekly Aerosol Composition Measurements at Mauna Loa Observatory. Atmospheric Environment 80, 259-263.

Indresand, H., White, W. H., Trzepla, K. and Dillner, A. M. (2013), Preparation of sulfur reference materials that reproduce atmospheric particulate matter sample characteristics for XRF calibration. X-Ray Spectrom. doi: 10.1002/xrs.2456

Hyslop, N. P., Trzepla, K., and White, W. H., (2012). Reanalysis of archived IMPROVE PM2.5 samples previously analyzed over a 15-year period. Environmental Science & Technology 48, 10106-10113. DOI: 10.1021/es301823q.

