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ASIC in India
We are excited to announce that ASIC will be hosting an International Connection Hub in Bangalore, India this Fall. With support from the Clean Air Fund, we have partnered with Center for Science Technology and Policy (CSTEP) to build a conference focused on small, affordable air quality sensors to be held in India. This conference will be based off the structure and content from ASIC, North America, with a focus on what is relevant and timely to India communities.
This International Connection Hub (ICH) is advised by a team of international researchers and who are stationed and work in India or have conducted relevant projects within India in the recent years. The committee has gathered to define the challenge and design the conference concept listed below. The team will continue to design the program content pulling from past and current ASIC presentations as well as recruit local India researchers and program managers.
This conference will be a one-day program on Friday, August 26th after the annual India Clean Air Summit (2021 Event).
If you are interested in staying informed of the progress of ASIC, India or attending please subscribe here. If you are interested in supporting the conference financially or intellectually, please contact conference organizer, Rhanee Palma (rppalma@ucdavis.edu) with inquiries.