Even when you don't smell the smoke, it can affect your health

In a recent article by the SF Chronicle, AQRC Director Tony Wexler discussed the recent smoky air around Northern California. 

“The fact that you can or cannot smell a pollutant has nothing to do with its health effects,” said Anthony Wexler, director of the UC Davis Air Quality Research Center.

While the smoke smell dissipated in the Davis and Sacramento area on Wednesday and Thursday, the air quality was still dismal and precautions should be taken by all. 

Air quality tracker: Check real-time conditions near you on the AirNow map.
California wildfire tracker: Follow updates and the spread of wildfires throughout California on the CalMatters site. 

Read the SF Chronicle's full article on air quality smoke risks "Stopped smelling smoke? that could be 'most dangerous' moment for air quality risk" by Anthony Edwards and Jack Lee from September 20, 2023 online here