Shu-Hua Chen

Photo of Shuhua Chen

Position Title
Associate Professor

  • Land, Air and Water Resources

Research Interests

  • Dust and Weather - Numerical modeling of long-range transport of dust and its impact on weather and climate.
  • Regional Climate Change - Regional climate changes in temperature, rainfall distribution, and the frequency of cyclones and anticyclones.

Research Summary

My research involves data assimilation, heavy orographic rainfall, and pollutant transport. Remote sensing data, such as SSM/I, QuikSCAT, MODIS, and radar are used to improve severe weather simulations and forecasts. The effects of the moist Froude number and the convective available potential energy on flow regimes associated with a conditionally unstable flow over a mesoscale mountain are investigated using idealized simulations. A tracer model based on a mesoscale model has been developed to study the source-receptor relationship and long-range transport.

Teaching Summary

I teach weather observation and analysis (ATM110) and severe and unusual weather (ATM10) at the undergraduate level, and numerical modeling of the atmosphere (ATM255) at the graduate level.
