EPIC Air Quality Fund

The Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC) Air Quality Fund supports entities interested in publicly sharing outdoor air pollution (PM2.5) information and working toward national-level clean air impact.

The program is now accepting applications through September 10, 2024!

The EPIC Air Quality Fund intends to provide support over multiple years because a long-term commitment to local actors is necessary to achieve change. It will require awardees to share the air quality data they produce in a fully open manner (compatible with a CC-BY-4.0 license, more guidance here) and on a freely accessible platform where the information will be findable alongside other global datasets. In this manner, the progress of the Fund’s supported efforts can be measured by anyone in the world, and the data produced can be ingested into a wide variety of international and national air quality efforts.

The Fund is now accepting applications from groups and organizations living and working in the countries where these monitors would be deployed. Applications are due September 10, 2024.

Learn more about EPIC's Air Quality Fund and application process here.


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