AQRC Research

Earth Day Experts

Earth Day is this Thursday, April 22 and to help reporters develop stories about air quality monitoring, modeling and evaluation, the Air Quality Research Center is here with a few researchers and educators to support the sharing of knowledge. 

Ann Dillner

Research Engineer, Air Quality Research Center (AQRC)

Research Interests:

Job Opening: Postdoctoral Research Associate

One postdoctoral research position is open in the Air Quality Research Center (AQRC) at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis). This Postdoctoral scholar will be working primarily in a project aiming at determination of the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) and other priority pollutant gases on pre and post-installation of anaerobic digester for the following types of waste treatments: green waste/food waste mixture; wastewater sludge, and dairy waste. The competent candidate will work with a research team led by Prof. Frank Mitloehner and Dr.

Recent Publications

A list of AQRC's current publications; listed by year and then alphabetical by first author.

Decreasing Vanadium Footprint of Bunker Fuel Emissions

The Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) network measures the chemical composition of atmospheric particulate matter at over 160 locations throughout the United States. As part of the routine quality control process, we noted decreases in the network-wide vanadium (V) and nickel (Ni) concentrations in 2015 relative to the previous years. Enriched V and Ni with respect to soil are indicative of heavy fuel oil burning and are often used as tracers for emissions from marine vessels.